Isn't accounting just the worst?


You didn’t go into business to spend your time staring at spreadsheets or trying to muddle your way through your VAT return, did you? What does zero-rated even mean, anyway?

Here at Swell, we get you. We get that finances are stressful and hard. Luckily for you, they’re our kind of thing. Tag us in to take the stress out of dealing with your accounts and give yourself the space to focus on the bits of your business that drive you, the things you're passionate about. Let us do what we're good at, so you can get back to doing what you're good at. 

Or go surfing, up to you. 


What we do



wHO's this guy?

Who's the man behind Swell? His name is Woody. And he skis faster than a camera flash…

Meet Woody →

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why swell?

Look at this dog. He believes in us. If he does, then so should you. But if you need further convincing...

Find out more →